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Potato links
General potato links
Production statistics
Potato cultivars
Databases / lists
- The European potato cultivars and breeding lines database from EU project RESGEN-CT95-34/45, compiled by SASA, Scotland.
- Potato Variety Database maintained by AHDB Potatoes, in conjunction with SASA.
- AHDB potato variety comparison tool
- CPVO the Community Plant Variety Office, a self-financed EU agency for the management of the Community Plant Variety Rights System.
- Potato Pedigree Potato variety pedigree database. Maintained by the Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University.
- Results from the EUCABLIGHT project (
- From NIVAP: Online Netherlands catalogue of potato varieties from 2011. Go via NIVAP/downloads to the PDF.
- Irish Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (2008): Potato Varieties of Historical Interest in Ireland
- EU - DataBase of Plant variety catalogues .
- Results AEGIS project on SSR genotyping of old potato varieties to identify mislabelling and synonyms. Allelic profiles produced by SASA for 433 clones on 12 SSR markers. Including information on duplication groups.
- In Dutch: List of potato parent stocks Geniteurslijst voor Aardappelrassen 1954, 1962, 1969 from WUR library E-depot as PDF.
- In Dutch: Dutch online list of registered varieties , >1200 potatoes. Click "Nederlands rassenregister", select Gewasnaam (the default) and search for "aardappel".
- In Dutch: Old cultivars grown 1850-1950 in the Netherlands, which are still available: Oranje Lijst .
- In Dutch: Cultivation manual for old variety Wâldgieltje .
Andean potato cultivars
Potato species
- The downloadable European potato accessions database (wild and cultivated spp.) from EU project RESGEN-CT95-34/45, compiled by CGN. (click 'diffusion of results').
- Collections: potato PGR portal
- Potato species Atlas
- Download original cards of WAC accession: 1-50 , 51-100 , 101-150 , 151-200 , 201-250 , 251-260 , 301-350 , 351-400 , 401-450 , 451-500 , 501-550 , 551-600 , 601-650 , 651-700 , 701-750 , 751-800 , 801-850 , 851-900 , 901-953 with tuber characteristics and some info on disease resistance (in Dutch language) as well as the WAC1971 inventory .
- Global Trust Regeneration guidelines for wild potatoes. Author: CIP
- Great information source on potatoes in South America (in Spanish): RedePapa
Potato collecting passport data
- CGN collecting missions page incl. potato collecting expeditions in 1955, 1959, 1974, 1980, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1999.
- Data on potato collections by Peter Hjerting and colleagues in the period 1948-1956.
- Limited collecting data on Bolivian landraces by Carlos Ochoa: OCH 10475-10697 , presumably around 1970.
- Report and collecting data from expedition to Peru and Bolivia by Jack Hawkes and colleagues: HHCH 4114-5273 in 1971.
- Data from expeditions to Bolivia: OCH 11818-11991
and Peru: OCH 11876 & 12065-13020 by Carlos Ochoa in 1978.
- Collecting data on Colombian landraces: CCC 4206-5030 , 1973-1975.
- Collecting data on series Etuberosa in Chile by Andrés Contreras and colleagues: UACH 1315-1346 in 1978.
- Potato collections in Bolivia by Robert W. Hoopes and colleagues: HAO 001-176 in 1986.
- Potato collections in the USA by John Bamberg and colleagues: SBV 01-34 in 1992.
- Argentine collecting data: OKA 5309-6497 or BALC 74001-74343 (incl. HAW 5746-6107),
OKA 6525-6742, 7254-7313 , and
OKA 7383-7687 or BALC 83001-83192.
Seed storage and germination
Solanum taxonomy
Feedback to:,
Centre for Genetic Resources the Netherlands (CGN),
Wageningen, the Netherlands.